2011. december 8., csütörtök
2011. december 7., szerda
2011. december 1., csütörtök
More infos about the press conference
You can watch pictures taken during the press conference here!
Gabi Tóth attended the press conference, as well as Ferenc Molnár, better known as 'Caramel'. Both of them were contestants on the second season of Hungarian Pop Idol on TV2. Caramel won. He is a really fine song writer and of course a really good singer. Does his attendance mean that he has plans for participation?
Check out some of his best works as a songwriter below!
Péter Geszti was there too. He said, he wants to enter in the contest as a songwriter. You can read my article about his work here!
MTVA announced: there will be a series of TV shows to select the the Hungarian song 2012
"In a press conference today, MTV presented the national selection plans for the upcoming 2012 Eurovision Song Contest. In two semi-finals, to be broadcast live on m1, four songs each will qualify for the national final by the joint decision of the TV viewers and a professional jury.
The participants of the semi-finals will be chosen by a pre-jury out of all entries that have been submitted. Therefor, both Hungarian and foreign composers are asked to send in their suggested entries until December 20th, 2011.
During today's press conference, Philip Rákay, Programme Director of MTV, confirmed that significantly high viewing figures had been achieved with the broadcast of the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest.
Ferenc L. Gazsó, Deputy Director General for Content Production at MTVA added: "We are proud of taking part in the Eurovision Song Contest, next year for the 12th time. With Kati Wolf's participation in 2011 we could show that after the integration of the Hungarian public service media the song contest and its message reached a larger audience than ever before." "
"In a press conference today, MTV presented the national selection plans for the upcoming 2012 Eurovision Song Contest. In two semi-finals, to be broadcast live on m1, four songs each will qualify for the national final by the joint decision of the TV viewers and a professional jury.
The participants of the semi-finals will be chosen by a pre-jury out of all entries that have been submitted. Therefor, both Hungarian and foreign composers are asked to send in their suggested entries until December 20th, 2011.
During today's press conference, Philip Rákay, Programme Director of MTV, confirmed that significantly high viewing figures had been achieved with the broadcast of the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest.
Ferenc L. Gazsó, Deputy Director General for Content Production at MTVA added: "We are proud of taking part in the Eurovision Song Contest, next year for the 12th time. With Kati Wolf's participation in 2011 we could show that after the integration of the Hungarian public service media the song contest and its message reached a larger audience than ever before." "
2011. november 30., szerda
Tomorrow we 're going to know more
The Hungarian roadcaster MTVA posted on their Official Eurovision facebook:
"Dear Friends, we are glad to inform you that the Hungarian public service broadcaster is going to hold a press conference about the details of the Hungarian participation at the ESC 2012 on Thursday afternoon. So more information on Thursday... :)"
I'll have a here post tomorrow about the news. Stay tuned!
2011. november 29., kedd
"Gabi Tóth from Hungary" in Baku?
The Hungarian singer Gabriella Tóth, who was 3rd on the second season of Hungarian Pop Idol, said that she'd like to participate in Eurovision 2012. We don't know anything about this year's Hungarian selection process. If we have a national final, then maybe she will be there.
Gabi performed on the Hungarian X Factor called, "X-Faktor". These, you can see below. Check out her youtube channel and her music videos: here!
This is a live performance from 2010. And here is this year's live performance:
Here are some of her live performances as a contestant on "Megasztár" (Hungarian Pop Idol):
Here's her music video with Csipa "Valami Amerika még". It was the theme for the Hungarian movie: "Valami Amerika 2" (A Kind of America):
2011. november 17., csütörtök
Music video for 'Vár a holnap' (Tomorrow awaits) is out + Kati sings live on X Factor
Kati released her second music video this week.
She performed her new single on the Hungarian X Factor.
2011. szeptember 9., péntek
Kati released her new single
Kati Wolf released her new single today, 'Vár a holnap' (=Tomorrow awaits).
Listen to it below!
2011. augusztus 19., péntek
Szerelem miért múlsz? stripped performance and new song
Kati performed her Eurovision song on MTVA's Balatoni nyár (Summer on Balaton lake) with a single guitar. Here's the video:
I have good news: Kati is going to release her second single by the end of august end her album is coming in september. More infos on eschungary.hu
I have good news: Kati is going to release her second single by the end of august end her album is coming in september. More infos on eschungary.hu
2011. június 12., vasárnap
How would it be...
I almost finished my final exams and as a relaxation I took a little time off from learning and imagined how Eurovision in Budapest would look like. Actually, I got the idea from a Hungarian mineral water ad which has a very nice design.
You can watch the ad below!
So I thought about for a little while and I made a video about how Eurovision Budapest 2012 or two thousand anything would look like. Check it out!
What do you think?
You can watch the ad below!
So I thought about for a little while and I made a video about how Eurovision Budapest 2012 or two thousand anything would look like. Check it out!
What do you think?
2011. május 15., vasárnap
Kati's 22nd - toughts
And the show is over. Congratulations Azerbaijan and the Top 10 and Germany for the organisation! It will be interesting next year in Baku. I think Kati gave her best. I never heard this song from her with so good vocals. She did everything what she could. But there's always the diaspora voting and I think Hungary doesnt have many friends around Europe. We had a great song, at the end we had a great performance. Yes, there were better performances and songs, but with this song and performance we definetely would have deserved a top10 place. But that's how it is. So I don't think we should participate next year. We can't afford to have some Swedish or USA producer to write the song and pay millions of $s for the performance. The new voting system with the national jury's clearly didn't change the diaspora voting. Don't get me wrong I'm not bitter or jealous. I'm just dissapointed, but I think Azerbaijan had a really good song this year. I'm just saying that Hungary would be better off investing our money into something that's worth it. For example sports events. Last year the European Swimming Championship was in Budapest. I was there it was great, really great. We won more gold medals and lots of other medals and the organisation was a success. Hungarian people are in general pessimists and lot of them have depression. I don't think we need more dissapointments. And we're not dissapointed in Kati at all!!! I am personally really proud of her and I think it didn't depend on her. I'm dissapointed in Hungary's situation. So in my opinion Hungarian people need some success. We should stick to what we're good at: science and sports. We're good at music also, for example who on Earth doesn't know Liszt or Kodály. We're just not lucky or liked enough in other countries. I'm still young and I hope it can all change and we won't have young Hungarians deciding to leave the country and never come back. Because lot of them do. But at least we have the good news: we can organise the 2014 European Water Polo Champoionship. That's the sport where we're the best in the world. We won the last 3 Olympics with the Men's Team in a row.
If MTV decides to participate next year and sends a song that could have even the smallest chance, I will be here and I will start a new blog. So check in next year and see if there's a post with the new URL.
Thanks for reading the blog and watching my videos! Have a nice summer!
xoxo haleyjs23
xoxo haleyjs23
2011. május 14., szombat
A little help for voting
If you'd like to vote for Kati, here's a little help:
From Romania: call 09001600 (and press: 05) or text 05 to 1261
From Slovakia: call 9933 (and press: 05)or text 05 to 9933
From Ukraine: call 0900 3007 and press 05 or text 05 to 7888
From Serbia: call 3323 and press: 05) or text 05 to 3323
From Croatia: text 05 to 06154 or text 05 to 66705
From Slovenia: call 089110 05 or text 05 to 370
From Germany: call 013710300 05 or text 05 to 99599
From the UK: call 0901522 and press 05 or text 05 to 0901522
From Italy: call 894433 (press: 05) or text 05 to 47222
From Switzerland: call 377 (press: 05) or text 05 to 377
From Poland: text 05 to 73008
From Sweden: text 05 to 72999
From Finland: text 05 to 17132
Don't forget to vote from the beginning of the show till the end! Kati needs all of your support!
To be sure, please check the numbers on your screens tonight before voting!
Thank you!
Today is the Grand Final
The day has come. Tonight, we will find out, who's the winner of the 56th Eurovision Song Contest. I hope everyone of you will have a nice time and we will see a great show! It's a contest and everyone has favorites, but I'd like to believe that Eurovision is more than just a contest. I hope that it really can make us one for just one night.
Kati said yesterday, that the weight is not as heavy on her shoulders as last time. She is more relaxed. I hope it means that she can deliver a good performance. If you really like her or her song than please use the time and vote for her. You can vote from the beginning of the show, wich means we have a lot of time voting for her since she has starting position 5.
Help Kati, and make her dreams true!
Vote for Kati Wolf, What about my dreams, Hungary, Nr.5
Vote for Kati Wolf, What about my dreams, Hungary, Nr.5
2011. május 12., csütörtök
Videos from the first semi-final
Before the show:
The performance:
After the performance:
Press conference:
Interviews after the press conference:
Celebrating at the hotel:
(They basically just say over and over again: Congratulations!>Thank you! You were really good!> Thank you!)
Kati at the Russian party yesterday:
2011. május 11., szerda
Kati is in the Grand Final!
Kati did it. She qualified for the final. We are very proud of you Kati. Hungary has qualified for the final for the first time since 2007, when Magdi Rúzsa managed to do it and she reached the 9th position.
Well everybody who voted helped Kati to take the first step to fullfill her dream.
Thank you!
In the final there will be a new voting. More countries can vote for Kati and for Hungary.
Please keep voting, because Kati needs all of your support.
I'd like to say the participants of the second semi-final: Good luck!
I think we all hope for an exciting and fun final!
So don't forget to watch tv on Saturday, 14th of May and vote for Kati Wolf and What about my dreams Nr. 5.
2011. május 10., kedd
2011. május 9., hétfő
Vote for Kati
As Kati said in one of her interviews: if you like her song, then vote for her.
As I say: let's make her dreams come true!
Don't forget: tomorrow 21:00 CET!
Kati Wolf, What about my dreams, Hungary, Nr. 15
If you can't watch the video for some reasons on youtube, than you can watch it here!
If you can't watch the video for some reasons on youtube, than you can watch it here!
Getting ready for Düsseldorf! - Kati Wolf Fan blog countdown
We're at the end of our countdown. Here's the last part of the tv show I subtitled. Tomorrow, we'll all be sitting in front of our tv and cheer for our favorite. If you read the blog, than you probably like Kati. So please if you like her song make her dreams true and vote for her, get her to the final!
Don't forget to watch the first semi-final and vote for Kati Wolf, Hungary.
Her starting position is 15.
So watch Eurovision and help Kati to make her dreams come true at 21:00 CET, Tuesdasy on the 10th May.
Thank you!
Sorry youtube has some issues so I uploaded it to megaupload. You can watch it below, or download it here!
Getting ready for Düsseldorf! - Kati Wolf Fan blog countdown Part 5.
Tomorrow is the day! We have only one day left tuntil the first semi-final of the 56th Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf. Here's the next part of our countdown. Stay tuned for the final part.
2011. május 8., vasárnap
EscToday interview with Kati
EscToday uploaded a new interview with Kati, which they made on Friday.
Getting ready for Düsseldorf! - Kati Wolf Fan blog countdown Part 4.
Here's today's second part of our countdown. This is the 4th part of the show. Enjoy!
Getting ready for Düsseldorf! - Kati Wolf Fan blog countdown Part 3.
There's only 2 days left until the first semi-final kicks off. We continue the countdown with part 3.
2011. május 7., szombat
Getting ready for Düsseldorf! - Kati Wolf Fan blog countdown Part 2.
As I promised, here's the second part of yesterday's show. Enjoy!
Getting ready for Düsseldorf! - Kati Wolf Fan blog countdown Part 1.
I subtitled the Hungarian tv show 'Eurovision- Heading for Düsseldorf!', which aired 06.05. 2011. Éva Novodomszky welcomes former Hungarian Eurovision participants. They chat about their experience and Kati's chances and we also can see some reports from Düsseldorf! This is part 1 I plan to subtitle 2 parts each day until the semi-final on Tuesday. So today, you can watch part 1 and 2, tomorrow, part 3 and 4, and on Monday I'll upload part 5 and the final part, part 6.
We began the countdown for the first semi-final today!
2011. május 6., péntek
Kati is the favorite of the Germans
During her second press conference today, Kati received an award. The host of the Dortmund Radio gave her the award, which she received for being the favorite of German radio's audience of the 43 participating acts. The radio's listeners could vote and the most of them voted for Kati. Thank you Germany, we're all very happy!!!
Rock version?
No, not really. Kati performed the Hungarian version on the Hungarian night show: Esti Showder with Sándor Fábry. It aired last night, but they shot it 2 weeks ago.
It's a little different from the previous versions. Enjoy!That's how you party!
Here's a video about some of the other nights in Düsseldorf. That's how you party!
Kati's second rehearsal - Updated
Guys, I'm more excited with every day. In my opinion, she nailed it today. I don't say that just because I'm Hungarian. I had my problems with the first one and I always tought during X Factor that she's a little bit shaky. But she's been prooving me wrong since then. We all heard her first performance on the press conference, as they announced the Hungarian entry. Since then she's getting better and better. Now, I really believe in her, not that I didn't belive her erlier, I just had my doubts. Please, let her show our support by picking up our phones or sending an sms for her and vote. I think she absolutely deserves it. I don't care if she wins it or not, for me she proved that she can do it. Now, it's all up to Europe. If they love it we'll be happy, if not, then it's ok. We will still have her. That was my opinion. Please, let me know yours. I really am curious.
Here's the video from ESCDaily, check in later for more videos!
Here's the video from ESCDaily, check in later for more videos!
2011. május 5., csütörtök
Kati's second rehearsal
Kati is going to have her second rehearsal tomorrow, it begins:
11 a.m.CET
So check in tomorrow for the videos from it. Hopefully, we will have some new interviews with Kati as well. I hope it goes well. Kati's daughter and husband are going to leave Düsseldorf tomorrow, so Kati is focusing on the contest more and more.
Do you wanna try Kati's dish?
Kati gave an interview for Oikotimes. They asked her abaout the interview on Radio international (Watch the interview on my youtube channel!). Kati promised there, if she wins, she will cook something Hungarian for the guys. In this interview she told us what dish it could be: the Hungarian beef stew. If you'd like to try it, here's the recipe:

(recipe from: spicy.hu, where you can find more about Hungarian dishes)
Kati Wolf in Düsseldorf
Here are the videos which are my surprise for you. Check them out below!
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Part 2.
2011. május 4., szerda
Army of interviews
A lot of people wanted to speak to Kati form press. I collected some of their interviews:
I'm working on a surprise for you guys, so check in later!
I'm working on a surprise for you guys, so check in later!
2011. május 2., hétfő
Kati's first rehearsal
Kati sang well in my opinion, but there were some shaky notes. Someone from the backing vocals was to high. I think if the crew can work on that we will have no problem. Then it's all up to the viewers and voters.
You can check out the official photos here!
There is already a video up from ESCDaily, but from that camera angle I had a weard feeling with the staging. But now, after watching the HQ pics, I have a different opinion.
Here's the escdaily.com video:
There is already a video up from ESCDaily, but from that camera angle I had a weard feeling with the staging. But now, after watching the HQ pics, I have a different opinion.
Here's the escdaily.com video:
And here's the official video:
I think it will get better and better. If you heard Kati's previous performances you can hear the improvement. So I'm staying positive. Yes, it's not there yet, but it'll be. Please share your opinion! You can criticise, of course, if it's legit, but haters filled up with pure envy or I don't know what can stay away.
Kati's first rehearsal is today!
As I already wrote it yesterday, Kati will have her first rehearsal today:
Hungary>>> rehearsal: 13.40 - 14.20 h >>> and press conference: 15.05 - 15.45 h (CET)
On the Facbook of EurovisionHungary there's a post saying, the whole crew arrived safely to Düsseldorf, Kati as well. They are leaving the hotel for the Arena at 10 A.M. CET today. Hopefully we will have some video blogs form Atilla Vízi, the Hungarian cameraman, who already had a great video blog during the World Cup last year. If it's something that you'd be intrested in, I'll try to subtitle it.
The first one is introducing the Hungarian volunteers, so it's nothing interesting for you.
On the Facbook of EurovisionHungary there's a post saying, the whole crew arrived safely to Düsseldorf, Kati as well. They are leaving the hotel for the Arena at 10 A.M. CET today. Hopefully we will have some video blogs form Atilla Vízi, the Hungarian cameraman, who already had a great video blog during the World Cup last year. If it's something that you'd be intrested in, I'll try to subtitle it.
The first one is introducing the Hungarian volunteers, so it's nothing interesting for you.
I'll post here all of the Hungarian rehearsal videos and hopefully the press conference videos today, so you can find everything about kati in one place.
Everyone send some great energy for Kati, so that her rehearsal should go well!
Everyone send some great energy for Kati, so that her rehearsal should go well!
2011. május 1., vasárnap
First day of rehearsals
Today, the contestants of the first semi-final's first part will take the stage and by tonight we will have the first impressions. There are lot of big ESC sites on the spot, who post pictures and videos. So we can follow everything that's happening in Düsseldorf. Today the program looks like this:

For example ESCDaily.com has a webcam stream all day from 10 CET to 18:30 CET. They are streaming from the press centre. You can chat with other viewers and with the guys of ESCDaily. You can check it out here!
Here's Magdalena Tul rocking the stage. What do you think of her, what do you think of the stage? Feel free to comment, I'd like to read you opinions.
And above, you can watch Norway's Haba Haba.
As for Kati: she will have her first rehearsal tomorrow:
Here's Magdalena Tul rocking the stage. What do you think of her, what do you think of the stage? Feel free to comment, I'd like to read you opinions.
And above, you can watch Norway's Haba Haba.
As for Kati: she will have her first rehearsal tomorrow:
Hungary>>> rehearsal: 13.40 - 14.20 h >>> and press conference: 15.05 - 15.45 h (CET)
So tune in tomorrow and let's discuss how you liked Katis first rehearsal.
2011. április 30., szombat
Yüksek Sadakat in Budapest
Yüksek Sadakat, the representatives from Turkey visited Budapest during their promo tour. They gave an interview on Hungarian TV's show 'Sztársáv' and performed their song 'Live it up'. They also gave us their opinion about the Hungarian song 'What about my dreams'
I subtitled and uploaded the video. Check it out below!
I subtitled and uploaded the video. Check it out below!
Kati is on her way to Düsseldorf
Kati left for Düsseldorf today, but before that she had a last press conference in Hungary. Origo.hu interviewed her and her father and made a video from the whole thing. I subtitled it. Watch it below!
The guys from the Hungarian TV, MTV will upload a lot of videoblogs in the coming days. I fthere are no subtitles for them, I will try to make them for you. So stay tuned. I will also post every new piece of information that is out there in Hungarian. So cheer for Kati and if you have the opportunity, vote for her!
2011. április 28., csütörtök
A day with Kati
The crew of Hungarian tv show 'Fókusz' has followed Kati for a whole day. I uploaded the video with subtitles. Watch it below!
Other news: Kati leaves Hungary for Düsseldorf Saturday morning, but before that, she gives her last performance before Eurovision in Hungary at Soho London Budapest. I hope somone who can be there posts some videos of it, then I could post them here.
Kati's first rehearsal will be on Monday. She bought a new laptop, so if she will have time, she'll post some things from her trip to her Facebook page. If it is in Hungarian I will try at least to write for you a transcipt, if subtitles are not possible. I don't know about you but I get more excited with each day to come.
I'd like to ask everyone who likes Kati or her song, and you've got a not Hungarian phone number, then please vote for Kati. Some polls might say that she is in a good position, but it doesn't count, if people are not willing to vote for her.
Kati we wish you a good luck, and break a leg!
Kati we wish you a good luck, and break a leg!
2011. április 25., hétfő
Kati's waiting for the guys...
to water her like a flower!
("I'll be waiting for watering guys, we've colored eggs altough we didn't bake this year, but there'll be chocolate instead." -wrote Kati on her Facebook page yesterday.)
Of course she does, it's Easter Monday today. We here in Hungary celebrate Easter Monday this way:- girls color eggs and bake something and they wait for boys to come visit them.
-boys on the other hand go from house to house of their relatives and friends. They tell the girls short, sometimes funny poems and ask them if they could water them. If the answer is yes, then they water the girls. In exchange they get the colored eggs as a gift. Earlier they used canal water and watered the girls from big pails or bottles of soda water.

Nowadays, they are more human and they use parfumes:

and tell poems like:
"I was in the green forest,
I saw a blue violet,

Nowadays, they are more human and they use parfumes:

and tell poems like:
"I was in the green forest,
I saw a blue violet,
it was going to fade.
Am I allowed to water you?"
Of course on the way to the girls there is some drinking. In the evening boys and girls go to a "Watering ball". At least in my area,. There are some differencies between the different regions.
Happy Easter Everyone!
2011. április 24., vasárnap
Happy Easter!
Happy easter everybody! I made a subtitled version for Kati's interview on radio International in case you didn't quite understand it. Or you can listen to it if you missed it. For my Hungarian readers: I made a Hungarian subtitle for it as well in case you don't speak English so well: Magyaroknak készítettem magyar feliratot, arra az esetre, ha valamit nem értettetek, vagy valaki nem tud annyira angolul.
This is my Easter gift for you!
2011. április 23., szombat
Yüksek Sadakat in Budapest!
The Turkish entry this year, Yükset Sadakat visited Hungary last week. They met Kati during her dance rehearsal. You can watch more pictures here!
2011. április 22., péntek
New videoblog post from Kati on EurovisionHungary: Dresses
Watch Kati's video blog about her picking out clothes for parties and Eurovision events.
2011. április 20., szerda
Radio international: surprise interview with Kati

Kati gave an interview tonight for International Radio from her kitchen through a telephone conversation.
She told us about her performance in May: there will be two girls and 3 boys, one of them a professional dancer. She talked about her plans after Eurovision, about her musical idols and what she thinks of comparisons with Whitney Houston and Celine Dion. She told us about her relation to Eurovision and which contestant she's afraid of this year. They asked her about many things.
2011. április 18., hétfő
Subtitled interview about Kati's promo tour in Transsylvania
I made a subtitled version for DunaTV's report on Kati's 4 day long promo tour in Transsyvania. At the end of the video you can watch an interview made there with Kati. Enjoy!
Two more wallpapers
Hey guys, sorry for my absence lately, but I'm back with two wallpapers with the resolution of 1024x768.
Download it, if you like them!
2011. április 15., péntek
Kati's Skype interview
Watch it below!
Kati gave an interview via Skype today at noon in English. Enjoy!
Kati gave an interview via Skype today at noon in English. Enjoy!
2011. április 10., vasárnap
Interview on 'Kárpát Expressz' subtitled
This Monday, Kati gave an interview on 'Kárpát Expressz'. I subtitled it and uploaded it to youtube. Check it out below:
Introducing the composers - Part 4.: Johnny K. Palmer
Johannes Karel Palmer was born in Budapest as the eldest son of a Jamaican pastor, Johnny was raised with music all around him. His earliest memories of performing are those of his family of eight caroling in their Austrian neighborhood on cold Christmas nights.
"Whenever we sang I would see people's faces light up and I realized that it only took so much to make someone happy."
Growing up mainly in Vienna, Austria, as well as regularly traveling all over Europe while accompanying his father on his many journeys, gave him a multi-cultural worldview.
"Whenever I'm on stage I like to get the crowd involved in what I am doing so that they feel they are part of the action and we are doing this together".
The first step toward his musical career began through his love for dancing. At the age of thirteen he formed his first HipHop dance group, and soon started composing his first rap lines which eventually led to more. Under the mentorship of Hannes Sommer as an intern at 'PowerHouse Studios' in Carinthia, Austria and collaborating with rapper and producer MekMC, Johnny took his first steps in the studio.
In the fall of 2006 Johnny was finally introduced to a wider audience after his move to Vienna as one of the finalists of the Austrian casting show STARMANIA , which he entered at the urging of Sommer. After his successful run, he received an offer for a record deal with Universal Music Austria as part of a boy-band project. He consequently went on to sign with Universal releasing 2 singles, an album, and touring Austria as one of the 4 members of the group "JetztAnders".
Johnny played countless shows and events in Germany, Holland, Rumania, France, Belgium, England, Switzerland, USA, Jamaica as well as his native Austria and Hungary. He gained experience and know-how by sharing stages with big names like Delirious, T-Bone, Jermaine Jackson, Kevin Max and Kirk Franklin and worked with TV networks (RTL, ORF, Puls4...etc) as well as major companies (McDonalds, Nike, YWAM Kayiko,...etc.).
Johnny Palmer recently starred in the German-Austrian Motion Picture "Kottan Ermittelt" (2010).Over the years Johnny evolved in skill and confidence as a performer. His singing has often been compared to Maxwell and John Legend, his music to Justin Timberlake and Neye, an eclectic mix of Pop, Soul, Gospel and R'n'B.
Together with his live band, back up singers, dancers and signature charismatic stage presence, Johnny infallibly captures crowds, connects, and draws the audience into his world.
(All the infos from: http://www.facebook.com/officialJKP)Johnny wrote the English lyrics for this year's Hungarian entry: "What about my dreams?". The songwriters and Kati asked him to leave the lines: 'What about my dreams?, What about my needs?' in the official lyrics, since Kati made them up when she recorded the Hungarian version first with dud English.
Check out some of Johnny's work!Johnny K. Palmer: Promise
KERI feat. Johnny K. Palmer - Crazy Baby
2011. április 8., péntek
A new karaoke version with the real instrumental
Hy guys, KIYOFILM made an another version, this time it's the real deal. Enjoy!
Introducing Kati's team
Kati will be working with singers Rita Ambrus and Edit Jármai. Rita is a very experienced singer. She sang background vocals on many albums. She tried out on the 4th season of Hungarian Idol (Megasztár).
Check out his video, where she sings Roxette's It must have been love on the tv show 'Csináljuk a fesztivált!' (=Let's do the show):
Edit studied acting. After graduating, she did some touring with her band 'Edith and the Gigolos". Check out one of their performances!
Ernő Zsolt Kiss will be singing and dancing. He graduated as a folk dancer, but he is singing sometimes as well.
In the video below, he sings the 'Judge's Song' from the musical 'Chess':
István Makár is a professional dancer, so he will do most of the dancing parts.
And last but not least, Zsolt Szentirmai who is a talented young musical actor who starred in musicals like Romeo and Juliet (as Benvolio), West Side Story, Phantom of the Opera, etc.will sing as well.
More dance rehealsal - new video
Here's a video about the public dance rehealsal without any comments from RTL Klub's 'Fókusz'. This is a preview video, I beleive they will air something about it in the evening.
Check it out!2011. április 7., csütörtök
Breaking news: first dance rehealsal video
In this evenings news there was a bit of surprise, when we saw a sneak peek to Kati's coreography. I uploaded a subtitled version of course. Check it out below!
You can watch pictures of the rehealsal here!
This year the coreographer will be Tímea Papp, who was the coraographer for Zoli ádok's performance back in 2009.

Rita Ambrus, participant of the Hungarian National Final 2005 will be on stage too. Others in the team: Edit Jármai (member of the band Edith and the Gigolos), Zsolt Szentirmai and Ernő Zsolt Kiss (musical actors). The sixth member will be István Makár dancer (he kicked the disco ball off the ceiling). The producer of the staging is 'Indián' who was the director of Kati's official music video.
/Thanks for the infos ESCHungary.hu!/

This year the coreographer will be Tímea Papp, who was the coraographer for Zoli ádok's performance back in 2009.

Rita Ambrus, participant of the Hungarian National Final 2005 will be on stage too. Others in the team: Edit Jármai (member of the band Edith and the Gigolos), Zsolt Szentirmai and Ernő Zsolt Kiss (musical actors). The sixth member will be István Makár dancer (he kicked the disco ball off the ceiling). The producer of the staging is 'Indián' who was the director of Kati's official music video.
/Thanks for the infos ESCHungary.hu!/

Check out Timi's coreography for Zoli Ádok:
Indián directs most of the Hungarian music videos today. Check out some of his work!
Lola: benned Élek (I live in you)
KERI feat. Johnny K. Palmer - Crazy Baby
Some fan staff
Today, as you can see I changed the skin for the blog. I 'played' with Photoshop a little and here's the result. You can download these computer backgrounds (resolution: 1800x1800), just right click and save...
I hope you like them!
Introducing the composers - Part 3.: Péter Geszti

1989 he graduated from Loránd Eötvös University with a degree of Hungarian and History. As a student at the university, he already wrote lyrics for the band 'Első Emelet' (First floor) songs.
After the band split, he began to work as a reporter and TV host. Later he began his music carrier as a rapper in bands 'Rapülők' (repülők means planes, and they changed the 'rep' part for rap) and 'Jazz+Az' (if you say it out loud in Hungarian it sounds like: Jazz and that, because for the + sign we say 'meg' which means plus and 'and'), which he founded. They were very succesful. Their songs are still played daily by the radios. They are famous for their smart, playful ways of putting the words together. They used to take advantage of the playful potential of the Hungarian language, and the multiple meaning words, so they came up with pretty hilarious lyrics. It's a shame that their lyrics can't be traslated literally. That way it wouldn't have any meaning, but of we would translate them to have a meining then they wouldn't be so good.
Since 1989 he also works in the marketing business. After his band split 1994, he began to write the Hungarian musical 'A dzsungel könyve' (=the book of jungle). László Dés composed the music and Péter Geszti wrote the lyrics. Check out 'The Song of the girls' below:
In 2000 he founded @®© (=Face), which is basically an artistic billboard exhibition on one of Budapests biggest squares. The goal is to crate billboards which draws the attention to the social problems.
2005 he wrote the lyrics for the song 'Magyarország' (=Hungary) for Ibolya Oláh. She performed it on 20th August 2007. on the national holiday of the state foundation. It's kind of a second anthem to us since then.
(The copyright to the music was bought, since it's originally a song written by René Dupéré).
2007 he came up with the idea of 'Nemzeti Vágta' (=National Gallop) which is basically a weekend celebration every year, early summer. The basic idea was to create some event which could be famous worldwide as for example the Carnival in Rio and which could attract a lot of tourist to Hungary and be a national symbol. Since 2008, it is held anually. It's a horse riding competition which has regional finals before the event and semi-finals and finals on the actual weekend. Every year, there's a celebrity race to collect money for those in need since it's a competition with lots of prize money. it takes place every year on the Heroes Square in the heart of the city.
2010 he was a judge on the first series of the Hungarian X Factor. He mentored the girls. He wrote the lyrics for the mentor-song 'A négy mentor' (=the four mentors), which he performed together with the other mentors.
He was the last mentor to vote on Kati's duel. He left it to the audience to decide. Kati was eliminated that night, so he promised her to write her some song lyrics. Kati and the composers of 'What about my dreams?' gave the song for him early this year and he came up with the Hungarian lyrics in days.
Check out my subtitled video below:
Check out my subtitled video below:
Stay tuned for the final part with Johnny K. Palmer, who wrote the English lyrics for the song.
2011. április 5., kedd
Kati Wolf videoblog Part1.
Kati gave an interview at the Hungarian Radio. MTV posted a subtitled video to the official Hungarian Eurosvision channel on Youtube of it.
If I understood it correctly from their Facebook post there will be a videoblog for Kati and this would be the fisrt post. Check it out below!Eschungary.hu posted this too. Check out their post about Kati's promo concert in Serbia here!
If there will be any relevant Facebook or Eschungary post in Hungarian I'll try to translate it for you. I'll write a post every time if they have a new video. Of course I'll keep up with my own subtitled video-posting.
This week or next week I will subtitle three more interviews, how long it takes: depends how much time I will have.
Introducing the composers - Part 2.: Viktor Rakonczai
Viktor Rakonczai (born 16. 10.1976.) began playing piano 1989. After being in other bands he joined V.I.P. 1997 with his brother Imre. After 4 years of succes and participation on Eurovision the group split in 2001. He didn't give up music: he founded the band R-Port with his brother Imre.

They had produced a succesful album together (Akarom, hogy rám találj=I want you to find me).They music was piano based pop. Check out the title song below!
Later Viktor began to give up the stage and produced music for other Hungarian artists and found his place behind the scenes. Today, there's barely an artist from the Hungarian music business who he didn't write a song for. Through his work as a composer and music producer he won multiple awards (e.g. EMeRTon).
Here are some of his work:Brigi Balogh (Hungarian, from Romania): Cruel Intention
Lola: Élj a mának (Live today)
Zséda: Motel
Zséda: Fekete rúzs (Black lipstick)- The lyrics were written by Péter Geszti, who wrote the Hungarian lyrics for Kati.
For the Beijing Olympics 2008 he wrote the Hungarian Team's official music: Győznünk kell (=We have to win), which he performed together with his brother Imre (just like old times R-Port).The song was played almost daily during the Olympics on MTV. We won our 3rd in a row gold medal in water polo.
Viktor remaines one of Hungary's busiest music composers as he helps Kati to create a big show.
2011. április 4., hétfő
Interview after the press conference with former Hungarian participants subtitled
Here's the subtitled version for the interview with Kati, csézy, Magdi Rúzsa, Zoli Ádok and Viktor Rakonczai. Enjoy!
2011. április 3., vasárnap
I know it's off topic, but you have to check this out! There's the proof: Hungary really has got Talent!!!
Mr. Joe (József Horváth) performs Beatles' 'Yesterday' country version on Hungary's got Talent 02.04. on Rtl Klub.
Mr. Joe (József Horváth) performs Beatles' 'Yesterday' country version on Hungary's got Talent 02.04. on Rtl Klub.
Kati Wolf interview on 'Sztársáv' subtitled - Part 2.
I uploaded the final part of her latest interview on 'Sztársáv'. After the interview she performed Eric Clapton's Change the world live. Check it out below:
2011. április 2., szombat
A new interview on 'Sztársáv' subtitled - Part 1.
Hey guys,
here's the subtitled version of yesterdays tv interview on 'Sztársáv' with a live performance of 'Kiss from a rose' by Seal. Stay tuned for the second part!
here's the subtitled version of yesterdays tv interview on 'Sztársáv' with a live performance of 'Kiss from a rose' by Seal. Stay tuned for the second part!
Introducing the composers - Part 1.: Gergő Rácz

He met Viktor Rakonczai here, who was a member of the band with his brother Imre Rakonczai. V.I.P. represented Hungary on The Eurovision Song Contest in 1997 in Dublin.
After 4 years of success they split up in 2001. Since 2004 Gergő is a member of the internationally recognised Acapella band 'Fool Moon'. 2006 they won 1st place at Taiwan International Acappella Award. Last year they had a succesful Asia Tour.

Spring, 2006 Gergő released his first solo album 'Bennünk a világ' (=World is in us). The title song is today one of the most played songs on Hungarian radios. He shot three music videos for the songs:
Bennünk a világ (World is in us)
Súgd a nevem (Whisper my name)
Húzz fel bármit (Dress in anything (....you're attractive anyway))
Gergő has been composing music with Viktor for years now.They created hits such as Viva Comet Allstars: 'Ha zene szól' (When music plays).
2011 he's back with a new hit single „Harc és Vágy” (Fight and Desire)
And of course he's working with Kati Wolf to create a big show in Düsseldorf, so once again he's involved in Eurovision.
2011. április 1., péntek
2011. március 31., csütörtök
Kati Wolf interview subtitled
Hey guys,
I finished with the subtitles for the latest interview. This one was aired Tuesday this week on Hungarian Television (MTV) on the show 'Teadélután'. It's about the preparations and her place on the internet polls.
Sorry for the crappy video quality, but I had to do an onscreen recording and the voice is taken with a microphone from the speakers. But a fan has to do what she has to do in order to get her interview out for a bigger audience. I hope it's still enjoyable! Check it out below:
Sorry for the crappy video quality, but I had to do an onscreen recording and the voice is taken with a microphone from the speakers. But a fan has to do what she has to do in order to get her interview out for a bigger audience. I hope it's still enjoyable! Check it out below:
New Facebook post from Kati
007MrJames007 made a Chipmunk version of 'What about my dreams' and kati watched it. She commented:
"Wow... It looks like I'm in the animated movie busisness (again :-))"
Check out the video below:
What bout my dreams? -Live
Last friday Kati had a gig in Szolnok with some other contestants from the first series of X Factor. She sang 'What about my dreams?'. Check out her performance below:
And heres a video of her performance in Győr of the Hungarian version:
What do you think?
2011. március 30., szerda
Kati loves to give away
I subtitled an interview, which aired December 2010, just before Christmas. She was interviewed with her daughter, Janka (5), about charity.
Watch the video below:
Two weeks ago Kati performed on a special TV broadcast, where the participants of the ongoing reality show "Való Világ" Series 4 (=Real World, it's like Big Brother) collected money for children in need. They managed to collect a sum of 177 000 000 HUF, which is approcimately 660.000 Euros.
Watch her performance below:At the end, the host asked her about her voice and thanked her because she was ill and she still performed. (she was ill at the Eurovision press conference as well). She added: "I had to be here despite my illness. As a mother I can feel for children who has nothing to eat. So I had to brace myself up and come."
Others performed as well, just like Zoli Ádok (Hungary's representative on Eurovision 2009) who performed the title song of the reality show with Gabi Tóth (Who came 3rd on the 2nd season of Hungarian Pop Idol). István Tabáni performed his song 'Gyönyörű szép' (=Beautiful), which won 'Best Song of the Year' on the Hungarian Grammys, Fonogram 2011. The song was composed by the same two guys who created 'What baout my dreams?': Viktor Rakonczai and gergő Rácz.He won the second season of Hungary's Got Talent. The premiere of 3rd season will air this Saturday on RTL Klub.
Check them out below:
Check them out below:
What bout my dreams? -Karaoke instrumental
Thank you KIYOFILM for uploading the English version.
People, you have no more excuses; get to practice and sing along in May!!!
People, you have no more excuses; get to practice and sing along in May!!!
2011. március 29., kedd
Who is Kati Wolf? - Part 4: Creating 'What about my dreams?'
Like I wrote before, Kati, Gergő Rácz and Viktor Rakonczai began working together right after the end of the 1st series of X Factor. And a song was born, which won over audiences right from the start. The song premiered on Class Fm's "Morning Show" on 10. 02. 2011.
Kati in the studio:

Watch more pics here!
She said on 'Morning Show':
"I've wanted to come out first of the contestants with a song. I think it's very important who's the first. And for me to be able to be the first was very important. of course it's not me who should get credit for it, it's the composers. Now, we still got the attention from the show's (X Factor) viewers and from the media. We have to keep it alive as long as possible, since there'll be a new season in sptember. I think we have roughly a year to build ourselves up.
I've already made an album with my father. Back then we didn't do that CD after the audience's taste, I did it mostly for myself, I made it how I liked music. But it wasn't so recognised. On my new album my father will work too, but he works with someone together who can modernize the songs and knows, what the auddience wants."
First reactions:
Radio host: "I have to tell you kati, this song's great! Congratulations! I tell this really rarely, but this is good."
Radio host: "I have to tell you kati, this song's great! Congratulations! I tell this really rarely, but this is good."
Some of the incoming text messages: "People i got chills from tip to toe!", "It's a great song, I've alredy know the chorus!", "Kati for the Eurovision!!!" etc. Listen to it (in Hungarian):
I made a subtitledversion of the interview with the composers and Kati about how the song was born:
In a short time hundred of thousands have listened to the official audio:
Today almost 800 000 people have watched it.
EscHungary.hu and a lots of media and fan portals suggested that it should go to eurovision song contest 2011. We, as Hungarian fans didn't know anything about the national selection process this year, nor had anyone. But one thing was clear, most of us wanted to send this song, so we began to flood the Hungarian TV's email boxes with requests. The producers of the song orginised the video shoot in a short time.
On Kati's Official Facebook Page, she announced that fans can participate in the video. Approximately two weeks after the video shoot we had the official announcement: Kati's going to Düsseldorf!!!
In a few weeks the offical video premiered. Watch a 'Making of' video with English subtitles below:
Who is Kati Wolf? - Part 3.
Before, I did some writing about who she was, but now you can see it for yourself. When she began competing on Hungarian X factor series 1, they mad some introduction videos of her, where she was interviewed with her family and friends. Of course, the mentors told stories about her as well.
I made English subtitles for them. Watch them below:
I made English subtitles for them. Watch them below:
2011. március 28., hétfő
Who is Kati Wolf? - Part 2.
Kati Wolf had a connection to music since she was a little child, so it was evident that she would study something related to it. She studied to be a solfege teacher in Franz Liszt Academy of Music, then she began to sing in various groups (Stúdió Dél, Sunny Dance Band, New Chocolate, Avocaldo, Enjoy). During singing in these groups she worked at an office, where she and her husband met. They have two daughters: Janka (5) and Luca (1).

2009, she released her first album 'Wolf-áramlat'. The music for the album was written by her father. She wasn't so famous then, so the CD wasn't a huge hit. You can listen to some previews here!
2010 premiered the Hungarian X-Factor (X-Faktor) on RTL Klub television. Kati applied and she got through to the Judge's Houses. She was in the Over 25s Group with Feró Nagy mentoring. All of the contestants moved in toghether except for Kati, who stayed home because she has two little children. She managed to balance motherhood and being in a pretty intense competition. She came 6st in the competition, being second best in her group. The first in the Over 25s group was Csaba Vastag, who won the first series.
Watch all of her X Factor performances from the auditions right up til her elimination below:
At her elimination mentor Péter Geszti voted last, and becouse of his vote Kati's fate was in the viewers hands. The viewers chose Nikolas Takács over her. Lots of Kati's fans blamed Geszti for Kati's elimination and he felt that way too, so he promised Kati that he would write her some song lyrics since he's very good at it.
After the end of the show in December Kati worked on her first solo album. Viktor Rakonczai and Gergő Rácz called her up with some ideas. Kati said in one interview that there were other songwriters as well who wanted to work with her, but these two came to her with such a detailed analysis of her voice that it was like a surgical analysis. So they began to work together and 'Szerelem miért múlsz?' was born in a short time.
Péter Geszti did fulfill his promise and wrote the lyrics for the song.
After the end of the show in December Kati worked on her first solo album. Viktor Rakonczai and Gergő Rácz called her up with some ideas. Kati said in one interview that there were other songwriters as well who wanted to work with her, but these two came to her with such a detailed analysis of her voice that it was like a surgical analysis. So they began to work together and 'Szerelem miért múlsz?' was born in a short time.
Péter Geszti did fulfill his promise and wrote the lyrics for the song.
Next part will come soon!
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