Viktor Rakonczai (born 16. 10.1976.) began playing piano 1989. After being in other bands he joined V.I.P. 1997 with his brother Imre. After 4 years of succes and participation on Eurovision the group split in 2001. He didn't give up music: he founded the band R-Port with his brother Imre.

They had produced a succesful album together (Akarom, hogy rám találj=I want you to find me).They music was piano based pop. Check out the title song below!
Later Viktor began to give up the stage and produced music for other Hungarian artists and found his place behind the scenes. Today, there's barely an artist from the Hungarian music business who he didn't write a song for. Through his work as a composer and music producer he won multiple awards (e.g. EMeRTon).
Here are some of his work:Brigi Balogh (Hungarian, from Romania): Cruel Intention
Lola: Élj a mának (Live today)
Zséda: Motel
Zséda: Fekete rúzs (Black lipstick)- The lyrics were written by Péter Geszti, who wrote the Hungarian lyrics for Kati.
For the Beijing Olympics 2008 he wrote the Hungarian Team's official music: Győznünk kell (=We have to win), which he performed together with his brother Imre (just like old times R-Port).The song was played almost daily during the Olympics on MTV. We won our 3rd in a row gold medal in water polo.
Viktor remaines one of Hungary's busiest music composers as he helps Kati to create a big show.
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